Monday 3 January 2011

I'd rather have indulged in game than prawn.

What a promising year ahead. I would like to start the year with a positive opening line, but the truth's not an especially empowering year. On the onset, it does look like it..... My project completes, I could get UK perm residency....even maybe an upgrade on habitat - but honestly, it's another year that may contain redundancy, fear of residency....exhausting conversations and another year away from my birth place. 
So this year, I think I am going to focus on things I can control....Starting with celebrating the new year over, Chinese Style.... yeap!... It's the year of something cute and fluffy and that is pretty much what I am about...So this NY will indeed be my year..... YEAR OF THE FLUFFY BUNNY WUNNY!... Take that!..
The year ahead, will... be about my friends and making more of an effort - begone notions of learning Polish, getting an art studio.... god, what else do I usually say?... But yes, FRIENDS. So here it goes!!

I really do hope that I manage to get some more enthusiasm into my next blog - if I am completely honest it is because my insanely active and mental cats kept us all awake last night, and I am sleep deprived and jaded....
Maybe a trade in for rabbits?

Thursday 3 June 2010

Sensor Vs Censor

Sensor Vs CensorHere I sit, inside. A stunning London day. Beyond the perminatly fixed windows of my site shed for an office, the flys that buzz around us all as though we belong in a body farm and ultimatley in an office that has barred this blogsite.


Is there no joy or hope for internet based communication? Is this business are macro China? Don't be censoring me "man"........

I can't sense or fathom the reasoning behind my IT's department to be endorsing such an infringement, I don't care to get into a rant about it.... but what is next? Etsy? Asos? HSB(astards)C? Phewf - to cyber buggery for you...

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Not Done Alot Lately





Tuesday 20 April 2010


I have decided to become pro active and start posting things that actually mean a great deal to me and those I suppose around me..... I don't know really what people around me care about.... Volcano's perhaps, the new LCD Soundsystem album?

Sunday 21 March 2010

Too Much Sugar.

Getting everything right and in proportion is perhaps one of my biggest challenges. I can't ever seem to get an equal measure of things. Either I am elated and full of beans, or as I am now - On a natural sugar rush which makes me feel odd and in a lull. 

Natures Path claims there OPTIMUM (cinnamon:blueberry:flaxseed) is high in fibre and omega 3 - did it mention it's riddled with sugar? And added to my soy yoghurt (with naturally dried apricots) I am in a severe need of a black coffee and dark room. 

If I can't have a dark room I am happy to have a strong coffee. Or alternatively - I might change this BLOG SITE really into something more constructive, I mean.... I don't have anyone following me really..... For anyone knows I could be crying out for help with my first thing of the day natural sugar overdose. Come on People. SAVE ME!!! 

The Hyporcrit Within

As I sit here, I listen to a man who recently decided that it wasn't such 'a wonderful life' and work on a concept that I honestly doubt will ever see the light of day. As a result, it begs me to think WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE????

Its not a question I haven't thought of before, and I am positive that everyone I know has thought exactly the same thing, so it's not a unique or an exceptional question; what it is in actual fact is a kick up the arse.
I am dying of creative bordem. I am in fact being quite spoilt and my curl is twisting on my forehead, but I mean... I am not doing the creative things I want to do. Who's fault is it? Well, mine of course. It's my own insecurities that have lead me down a path of a corporate freeway, only once indicating off and it ended in a horrendous collison of opinion. So where does this leave me? I suppose I could do something out of the Monday to Friday 8/5:30 - But everyone says that and how many do?

It's all to distracting and I feel like a complete fraud. A hyporcrit. How can I instruct designers, if I havent developed my own inner creative giant?

Thursday 5 November 2009

Hungry Tiger

It's really not like me to give 2 thoughts to Paris Hilton, for obvious reasons, but as it stands she has coined a new descriptive term that I have begun using of late and that is "HUNGRY TIGER". Paris's definition refers to someone whom wants to be her friend etc because they want to be famous... My definition revolves around people in the work place/personal life whom seem hell bent on crawling the ladder of "success". To be successful isn't having a monopoly, nor is success having all the information... Nor is it grassing on your work colleagues to elevate yourself to a higher plank (which I'd gladly like to see these people walk off!)... The lust of being within an inner circle is exhausting and if I am honest, not my personal bag... and I really couldn't give a shit if these Hungry Tigers are on a mission, its just if I am caught in the cross fire and left with charred remains that I become sullen, annoyed and "blogful".
