Monday 3 January 2011

I'd rather have indulged in game than prawn.

What a promising year ahead. I would like to start the year with a positive opening line, but the truth's not an especially empowering year. On the onset, it does look like it..... My project completes, I could get UK perm residency....even maybe an upgrade on habitat - but honestly, it's another year that may contain redundancy, fear of residency....exhausting conversations and another year away from my birth place. 
So this year, I think I am going to focus on things I can control....Starting with celebrating the new year over, Chinese Style.... yeap!... It's the year of something cute and fluffy and that is pretty much what I am about...So this NY will indeed be my year..... YEAR OF THE FLUFFY BUNNY WUNNY!... Take that!..
The year ahead, will... be about my friends and making more of an effort - begone notions of learning Polish, getting an art studio.... god, what else do I usually say?... But yes, FRIENDS. So here it goes!!

I really do hope that I manage to get some more enthusiasm into my next blog - if I am completely honest it is because my insanely active and mental cats kept us all awake last night, and I am sleep deprived and jaded....
Maybe a trade in for rabbits?