Monday 28 September 2009

Not entirely sure what this is all about as yet!!

Greetings from another day of semi grey skies and coffee machines that cease to work. I stated to think what this  whole blog thing really is about - no one actually see's it so it's pretty much autonomous... but having just become a follower of  DHY and Manflet I suppose this is not really the case anymore. 

Should I source pretty things like bags and shoes?... Write a piece on Panda's and they're habit for eating rats? I could easily post some of my email conversations because I end up thinking they can be pretty hysterical. hmmmmm I might start by adding some bits & bobs of my illustrations etc... there isn't a great deal left remaining in my possession but it could be worth it..... nor do I think Chanel would think it was worth it to change their window display to advertise Telstra.... but then, who gives a shit! 

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